capturing sound from waveout device....
(too old to reply)
2010-04-22 13:22:56 UTC
i am working on a telephony application which is using SIP for
audio,and i want to record the sound which is being playing on waveout
i had tried to use detour WaveOutOpen and WaveoutWrite in a DLL..and
integrated with application
but didnt got the Luck,although the applicaton sucesfully hook the
desired functions.
Microsoft provides a more sophisticated library for Detouring
API...Any Help will be highly appreicated.
Alessandro Angeli
2010-04-22 18:16:55 UTC
From: "hasber"
Post by hasber
i am working on a telephony application which is using SIP for
audio,and i want to record the sound which is being playing on waveout
i had tried to use detour WaveOutOpen and WaveoutWrite in a DLL..and
integrated with application
but didnt got the Luck,although the applicaton sucesfully hook the
desired functions.
Microsoft provides a more sophisticated library for Detouring
API...Any Help will be highly appreicated.
API hooking should a last resort. Not to mention that there are other
audio rendering APIs in Windows besides waveOut (e.g. DirectSound and
WASAPI) that the application may be using.

If you are writing the application, why do you need to steal the audio
data? Can't you just record it before sending it to the output API?
Where does the data come from?

You can also record from the "stereo mix" input line of the audio card
(if the card supports it) whatever the card is playing.

Otherwise you need a kernel driver.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm
2010-05-18 14:53:01 UTC
thnx for such a quick response.
actually i am working with Call Center software.
and developing some extenson for voice monitoring in call center.
as if we use SIP interface which is based on microsoft realtime protocol,
its not easy to detuour or sniff the customer voice..
so i just decided to get the vocie from waveout device.
the only option i have..so in that case
if i would have any code or any kinda library,
i will go with it.
Hope you understand.
Post by Alessandro Angeli
From: "hasber"
Post by hasber
i am working on a telephony application which is using SIP for
audio,and i want to record the sound which is being playing on waveout
i had tried to use detour WaveOutOpen and WaveoutWrite in a DLL..and
integrated with application
but didnt got the Luck,although the applicaton sucesfully hook the
desired functions.
Microsoft provides a more sophisticated library for Detouring
API...Any Help will be highly appreicated.
API hooking should a last resort. Not to mention that there are other
audio rendering APIs in Windows besides waveOut (e.g. DirectSound and
WASAPI) that the application may be using.
If you are writing the application, why do you need to steal the audio
data? Can't you just record it before sending it to the output API?
Where does the data come from?
You can also record from the "stereo mix" input line of the audio card
(if the card supports it) whatever the card is playing.
Otherwise you need a kernel driver.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm