Question for converting 8bit to 16bit wav?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-22 03:29:05 UTC
Hi, all

Fro some reason,I need use Lame mp3 encoder to convert wav to mp3, But Since
Lame only receive 16bit Raw wave data so that I got a issue that how to
convert 8bit wav file to 16bit wav file, or say that how to convert 8bit Raw
Wave data to 16bit Raw Wave data. Many thanks =)

Frank F.Han

| winsays@:-)hotmail:-).com |
Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]
2004-02-22 14:16:50 UTC
Post by Frank
Hi, all
Fro some reason,I need use Lame mp3 encoder to convert
wav to mp3, But Since Lame only receive 16bit Raw wave
data so that I got a issue that how to convert 8bit wav
file to 16bit wav file, or say that how to convert 8bit
Raw Wave data to 16bit Raw Wave data. Many thanks =)
Actually, Lame 3.95.1 should support 8-bit PCM streams, both
raw (specifying the bit-width with the --bitwidth switch) or
wrapped in a RIFF/WAV structure (which is practically a
WAVEFORMATEX structure followed by the raw stream).

If you still want to do the conversion yourself, here is a
fragment of non-optimized C code to get you started:

typedef signed short PCM16;
typedef unsigned char PCM8;


/// if input_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// skip the header here

/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the empty header here

while(!eof(input_file)) {
for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) {
output[i] = ((PCM16)input[i] - 128) << 8;

/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the filled header here
* Alessandro Angeli
* MVP::DigitalMedia
* a dot angeli at biosys dot net
2004-02-23 01:00:17 UTC
Hi, Alessandro :p

Really really many many thinks! That's very kind of you. Thanks your reply,
thanks your time... You got so big help to me :p Thank you, and if you got
some more time, could you tell why(I wanna learn more) =)

Post by Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]
Post by Frank
Hi, all
Fro some reason,I need use Lame mp3 encoder to convert
wav to mp3, But Since Lame only receive 16bit Raw wave
data so that I got a issue that how to convert 8bit wav
file to 16bit wav file, or say that how to convert 8bit
Raw Wave data to 16bit Raw Wave data. Many thanks =)
Actually, Lame 3.95.1 should support 8-bit PCM streams, both
raw (specifying the bit-width with the --bitwidth switch) or
wrapped in a RIFF/WAV structure (which is practically a
WAVEFORMATEX structure followed by the raw stream).
If you still want to do the conversion yourself, here is a
typedef signed short PCM16;
typedef unsigned char PCM8;
/// if input_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// skip the header here
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the empty header here
while(!eof(input_file)) {
for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) {
output[i] = ((PCM16)input[i] - 128) << 8;
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the filled header here
* Alessandro Angeli
* MVP::DigitalMedia
* a dot angeli at biosys dot net
Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]
2004-02-23 13:44:34 UTC
Post by Frank
Hi, Alessandro :p
Really really many many thinks! That's very kind of you.
Thanks your reply, thanks your time... You got so big
help to me :p Thank you, and if you got some more time,
could you tell why(I wanna learn more) =)
why what?
Post by Frank
"Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]"
Post by Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]
Post by Frank
Hi, all
Fro some reason,I need use Lame mp3 encoder to convert
wav to mp3, But Since Lame only receive 16bit Raw wave
data so that I got a issue that how to convert 8bit wav
file to 16bit wav file, or say that how to convert 8bit
Raw Wave data to 16bit Raw Wave data. Many thanks =)
Actually, Lame 3.95.1 should support 8-bit PCM streams,
both raw (specifying the bit-width with the --bitwidth
switch) or wrapped in a RIFF/WAV structure (which is
practically a WAVEFORMATEX structure followed by the raw
If you still want to do the conversion yourself, here is
typedef signed short PCM16;
typedef unsigned char PCM8;
/// if input_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// skip the header here
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the empty header here
while(!eof(input_file)) {
for(int i = 0; i < BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) {
output[i] = ((PCM16)input[i] - 128) << 8;
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw,
/// write the filled header here
* Alessandro Angeli
* MVP::DigitalMedia
* a dot angeli at biosys dot net
* Alessandro Angeli
* MVP::DigitalMedia
* a dot angeli at biosys dot net
2010-12-19 12:22:47 UTC
Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia] wrote on 02/22/2004 09:16 ET
Post by Alessandro Angeli [MVP::DigitalMedia]
Post by Frank
Hi, al
Fro some reason,I need use Lame mp3 encoder to conver
wav to mp3, But Since Lame only receive 16bit Raw wav
data so that I got a issue that how to convert 8bit wa
file to 16bit wav file, or say that how to convert 8bi
Raw Wave data to 16bit Raw Wave data. Many thanks =
Actually, Lame 3.95.1 should support 8-bit PCM streams, bot
raw (specifying the bit-width with the --bitwidth switch) o
wrapped in a RIFF/WAV structure (which is practically
WAVEFORMATEX structure followed by the raw stream)
If you still want to do the conversion yourself, here is
fragment of non-optimized C code to get you started
typedef signed short PCM16
typedef unsigned char PCM8
/// if input_file is a WAV and not raw
/// skip the header her
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw
/// write the empty header her
for(int i = 0; i &lt; BUFFER_LENGTH; i++)
output[i] = ((PCM16)input[i] - 128) &lt;&lt; 8
/// if output_file is a WAV and not raw
/// write the filled header her
* Alessandro Angel
* MVP::DigitalMedi
* a dot angeli at biosys dot ne

I want to bring 24 Bit to 32 Bit signed long for playing 24/96 wav with my 3
Bit library. Could you please tell me, what I have to put in for &quot;x&quot
and &quot;y&quot; (below)

output[i] = ((PCM32)input[i] - x) &lt;&lt; y

May be you could give me any link to understand these numbers :-)

Thanks a lot
