Add Code to the AxWindowsMediaPlayer Controls?
(too old to reply)
2009-12-02 21:55:01 UTC
Hi, I was told to put this post into this forum.

On my form i have the AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 embedded onto it. I have a
listbox which is the play list. Now what most of you are thinking is that i
can simply make a button to add songs (media files) to the listbox and make
another button to which will tell the AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 that the URL is
the selected item in the listbox.

I have had problems with using my own buttons. For example when i press the
pause button i made "the code is AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.pause()"
yes it pauses but does not continue. The button "Next" skips to the next item
in the Listbox but the Previous button does not work. This is not a real

I dont want to use my own buttons.

The problem lies in what i want to do AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 to do. Is it
possible to double click on the AxWindowsMediaPlayer Play button and tell
that button to play the contents within the listbox? Is it possible for
AxWindowsMediaPlayer Next and Previous Controls to skip and go to the
previous track in the Listbox?

Does that make sense? I want to insert code into the AxWindowsMediaPlayer
controls so they play the contents from a listbox, eg. Of course i wont need
to code the slider, volume, etc as AxWindowsMediaPlayer would do that

Please can you help me solve this solution
Many Thanks
Alessandro Angeli
2009-12-02 22:07:16 UTC
From: "Gianluca1"
Post by Gianluca1
Hi, I was told to put this post into this forum.

Replied already.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm