Skipping to a different item in current playlist
(too old to reply)
2010-04-10 07:18:01 UTC
This seems like it should be easy to do, but I can't figure out how from the
SDK docs.

I have a remoted connection to Windows Media Player. I can use
player.currentPlaylist to get the contents of the currently playing playlist.
I can use player.currentMedia to get the song currently playing. I can also
write player.currentMedia to choose a different song. And I can write
player.currentPlaylist to load a different playlist.

What I can't do is start playing a different track in the current playlist,
whilst keeping it intact. I tried using the IWMPMedia item returned from
currentPlaylist.get_Item(x) and setting currentMedia to that, but it replaced
the entire playlist with a new playlist containing only the single item I had
selected for play.

Is it possible to select a particular track (by index) from the current
playlist and start it playing, or am I wasting my time? (I can do it by
creating a new playlist, with the track I want to play at the start, and all
the others following it, but this is very clunky and also breaks when shuffle
mode is turned on.)

Thanks for any suggestions,

Alessandro Angeli
2010-04-10 18:05:46 UTC
From: "EddyC"
Post by EddyC
Is it possible to select a particular track (by index) from the
current playlist and start it playing, or am I wasting my time? (I
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm
2010-04-11 12:57:01 UTC
Post by Alessandro Angeli
This worked perfectly - thank you!

