Publishing to Windows Media Services without Windows Media Encoder
(too old to reply)
2010-01-10 09:46:01 UTC
I want to publish the video from my DirectShow graph to Windows Media
Services live publishing point.
The graph will take care of capturing the video and encoding it using
windows media encoder DMO.
Is there any network sink filter for rendering the video to Windows Media
Services? I can write custom DirectShow filter if there is an API that can
take raw/compressed video samples and push it to the media server. I need to
run this on Vista for Windows Media Services 2008.

Alessandro Angeli
2010-01-10 19:53:45 UTC
From: "Neeraj"
Post by Neeraj
I want to publish the video from my DirectShow graph to
Windows Media Services live publishing point.
The graph will take care of capturing the video and
encoding it using windows media encoder DMO.
Is there any network sink filter for rendering the video
to Windows Media Services? I can write custom DirectShow
filter if there is an API that can take raw/compressed
video samples and push it to the media server. I need to
run this on Vista for Windows Media Services 2008.
You need to use the WMASFWriter filter.

You can add the WMASFWriter after the WMVEnc DMO and
configure it to accept compressed input.

Otherwise you can remove the WMVEnc DMO and replace it with
the WMASFWriter (which will use the DMO internally for you).

In both cases, you need to configure the WMASFWriter with a
profile that matches your DMO output.

Afterwards, you need to replace the file sink with a
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm
2010-01-11 08:49:31 UTC
Post by Alessandro Angeli
You need to use the WMASFWriter filter.
You can add the WMASFWriter after the WMVEnc DMO and
configure it to accept compressed input.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd743238.aspx
Otherwise you can remove the WMVEnc DMO and replace it with
the WMASFWriter (which will use the DMO internally for you).
In both cases, you need to configure the WMASFWriter with a
profile that matches your DMO output.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd743134.aspx
Afterwards, you need to replace the file sink with a
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
Hi Alessandro,

Thanks for the solution. I plan my application to be compatible with
Windows Media Services 2008 and also use Smooth Streaming features.
Since WMASFWriter is quite old, how much reliable is it to use with
new services? Any thing I need to specifically care about while using
it for the new services?
Also does the new Windows Media Services H.264 for live streaming too?
how can I do this with WM ASF Writer?
Sorry for piling you up with lot of questions :)

Alessandro Angeli
2010-01-11 19:18:45 UTC
From: "Neeraj"
Post by Neeraj
Thanks for the solution. I plan my application to be
compatible with
Windows Media Services 2008 and also use Smooth Streaming
Since WMASFWriter is quite old, how much reliable is it
to use with
new services? Any thing I need to specifically care about
while using
it for the new services?
The WMASFWriter is not old. The WM protocols haven't changed
since version 4.
Post by Neeraj
Also does the new Windows Media Services H.264 for live
streaming too?
Smooth Streaming and H.264 are *not* WindowsMedia, they are
Silverlight technologies that use MPEG-4 formats. Smooth
Streaming uses MP4 file fragments (with H.264 video) over
HTTP (that is, IIS and not WMS).
Post by Neeraj
how can I do this with WM ASF Writer?
You can't and AFAIK there is no other way to do it yourself.
You need to use ExpressionEncoder3 or similar product or go
through all the hoops of creating compatible MP4 and ISM
files yourself, without any help from system components.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm