C# / .NET - duplicating audio channel
(too old to reply)
2010-03-04 22:55:01 UTC
Hi, I am creating an application using C# with the Windows Media Player SDK.
I am working with MPEG files, where there are two audio channels (right and
left), with a different audio file on each (with vocal and with no vocal). I
want to program the media player to play only the right channel or the left
channel, but duplicate it onto the opposite channel. So, it would duplicate
the right channel onto the left channel, or vice versa.

Any help would be appreciated!

Alessandro Angeli
2010-03-04 23:19:49 UTC
From: "Justin"
Post by Justin
Hi, I am creating an application using C# with the
Windows Media Player SDK. I am working with MPEG files,
where there are two audio channels (right and left), with
a different audio file on each (with vocal and with no
vocal). I want to program the media player to play only
the right channel or the left channel, but duplicate it
onto the opposite channel. So, it would duplicate the
right channel onto the left channel, or vice versa.
You can not tell WMP to that. You need to write a DSP plugin
(which is a DMO/MFT object). You can technically write such
a plugin in C#, but you really shouldn't, because of the
usual CLR loading limitation.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm