WMP - First time use
(too old to reply)
2010-05-20 18:39:54 UTC
Is there a reliable way of figuring out if WMP has been initialized on
a user's machine? I just found a bug on my app written in C# and using
the WMPLib::WindowsMediaPlayer class - it crashes when I try to import
the artists from a WMP app that hasn't been run yet.

I know on XP, there's this reg key that i might be able to use:


But this doesn't seem to be the case on Win7.
Alessandro Angeli
2010-05-20 19:12:23 UTC
From: "Bati9"
Post by Bati9
Is there a reliable way of figuring out if WMP has been initialized on
a user's machine? I just found a bug on my app written in C# and using
the WMPLib::WindowsMediaPlayer class - it crashes when I try to import
the artists from a WMP app that hasn't been run yet.
Define crash.
Post by Bati9
But this doesn't seem to be the case on Win7.
Are you app and WMP both Win32 or both Win64 apps?
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm
2010-05-20 22:14:57 UTC
Post by Alessandro Angeli
From: "Bati9"
Post by Bati9
Is there a reliable way of figuring out if WMP has been initialized on
a user's machine? I just found a bug on my app written in C# and using
the WMPLib::WindowsMediaPlayer class - it crashes when I try to import
the artists from a WMP app that hasn't been run yet.
Define crash.
Post by Bati9
But this doesn't seem to be the case on Win7.
Are you app and WMP both Win32 or both Win64 apps?
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
Apology - was to quick looking for something i assumed was wrong - the
crash is totally my bug.
