Where can I find this file?
(too old to reply)
2010-01-21 13:45:50 UTC
Any ideas where I can find the wmpsdk.chm file now? I used to have
it, but my archived copy was corrupted, and now, I am unable to find
it. Microsoft has apparently decided, in its infinite wisdom, to
remove it permanently from its web site. God forbid any of us still
use WMP 10.

Any help to find this file would be appreciated.

Alessandro Angeli
2010-01-21 17:20:06 UTC
From: "Me"
Post by Me
Any ideas where I can find the wmpsdk.chm file now? I
used to have it, but my archived copy was corrupted, and
now, I am unable to find it. Microsoft has apparently
decided, in its infinite wisdom, to remove it permanently
from its web site. God forbid any of us still use WMP 10.
The SDK for v11 works perfectly well for any version all the
way down to v7.

The SDK for v11 is now part of the Windows SDK (IIRC, the
web installer can be used to download only the parts you
need instead of it all).


Notice that the WinSDK for Win vX means up to Win vX, not
only for Win vX.

Or you can read its docs on-line:


Or you can use the stand-alone WMP SDK v9 (there isn't much

// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm